New GSatTrack Feature: Journeys

New Feature Live in GSatTrack!
We are incredibly excited to announce the release of a new feature for GSatTrack, which many of you may have already seen in the live version. Journeys, further broken into Trips, are collections of segments of asset reporting history. This is a feature set that we have been planning internally for nearly two years, and a recent partnership has made the need for it a reality.
About Journeys and Trips
Journeys give GSatTrack users the ability to display selected segments of their assets’ position report history. These segments, known as Trips, can be as little as one single position report, and do not have to be sequential. Additionally, users can choose to display only the start and end points of each Trip segment, leaving a cleaner look on the map.
It is our expectation that there will be immediate commercial impact for this feature set with any company that manages logistical routes that often repeat, such as delivery routes, contract service routes, and other cyclical movement. Displaying these routes as a Trip segment in Live View will give portal operators the ability to cross-reference live position data with projected future positions. This can be particularly effective when a service team needs to add a stop to its normal route, and can assign that stop to an asset that is already projected to pass through that area.
This product enhancement is also expected to have an effect on our adventure product suite, allowing people to share specific segments of their asset position history with friends, family, and on social media. Being able to isolate specific segments of vacations, hikes, and other trackable events is a big win for all of our personal adventure tracking clients, and something we have been wanting to give them for a long time.
What’s Next?
Later this week, we will be publishing updates to our user manuals, as well as a special how-to feature guide for the Journeys and Trips feature that will allow users to fully understand the functionality and how to make it work to its full potential.
Next week, we will be going over another exciting new feature for GSatTrack, so pay close attention to the blog for additional updates and product development news.