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Case Study 

GSatTrack lowers overhead by reducing theft and maintenance costs of construction equipment

GSatTrack by Global Satellite Engineering

About GSatTrack

GSatTrack is a web based integrated satellite and GSM tracking solution, compatible with modern web browsers and works on a multilingual platform that brings together all the positions of every manufactured product under one location and displays and manages them in a single unified interface. With GSatTrack, asset locations and movements - including position, speed, altitude and heading - are tracked in real-time worldwide via GPS updates.

By using GPS satellites with the latest hardware and technology, you can now track any asset on earth, whether it's people, vehicles, containers, or any moving object! Our technology allows you to merge together all types of tracking equipment into one easy to use platform. The tracking equipment determines its location by triangulating a position using GPS (Global Positioning System) and then transmits this information via GSM, Satellite, or VHF to a central server for processing. Any operator can view and control any number of real time assets simultaneously.

Construction Vehicles

The Customer Situation

A company specializing in renting vehicles and tools to the construction market needed a single solution for monitoring their assets. This company needed to: monitor their rental vehicles in the field, monitor how the operators of these vehicles performed, and ensure maintenance and service levels were monitored to reduce vehicle wear and tear. In addition to the vehicles, the company also needed to track the large and small tool containers that they supplied to clients in remote locations.

Construction Vehicles in remote location

The Challenge

The rental company needed a solution that would work across all their assets. If a vehicle was working where there was strong cellular coverage, they needed to outfit their vehicles with the right hardware to support this. If the rental company was sending a large locker of tools out to a remote location, they needed to be able to monitor these assets as well and if they rented telematics devices for remote monitoring, they needed to bring that information together in one place for themselves and their clients.

Construction Vehicle Telematics

The Solution

There are several companies that specialize in gathering telematics data and there are just as many fleet management companies who build solutions around their hardware or hardware specific to a particular vehicle. The rental company needed one solution to address all of these needs. GSatTrack was the answer. GSatTrack is a powerful web based dashboard that can gather information from any device that is capable of communicating either through satellite or cellular networks. For the rental company, this meant they could choose the hardware that best supported their M2M needs and bring it all together in one place.

GSatTrack by Global Satellite Engineering

The Result

The rental company was able to start outfitting all of their construction vehicles with either cell based plug and play units or more robust satellite based units for vehicles being dispatched to remote locations which monitored: service levels, where their vehicles were located, and how the operators were performing regardless of vehicle type or manufacturer. For the tool containers, they were outfitted with small tracking units that reported both location and movement. The end result was that the rental company had less theft of their vehicles and tools, a better understanding of how their clients were using their devices, and a clear understanding of when their vehicles needed maintenance. All of this led to reduced overhead from lost assets, less accidents from vehicles being used improperly, and less moneys paid for maintenance as vehicles could be kept on a clear schedule.

About the Author
Scott Walters
Global Account Manager

Scott Walters is a business professional with over 25 years of technology based experience and has demonstrated success as a manager and team leader with an emphasis on account management, logistics, team building and multitasking effectively within a high-stress, goal oriented environment.

Contact Scott Walters at

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